Orange County Chinese Catholic Association |
橙縣華人天主教聯誼會敬邀您與親人朋友一同前來參加2024年慶祝聖誕午餐會,與我們共同歡慶救主耶穌的降臨! 請大家踴躍向活動組長報名。
聯誼會一月份的月刊出爐了。 閲讀請點擊此處
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南加州橙縣華人天主教聯誼會成立於 1983 年,由來自全球各地的華人因著共同的信仰齊聚一堂敬仰天主。我們定期一起共享美好的中文彌撤聖祭 , 時間和地點分別如下
華語彌撒: 每主日上午十點半
The Orange County Chinese Catholic Association (OCCCA) was founded in 1983, with the purposes of serving the needs of Catholics in the county’s Chinese immigrant community and preaching Catholic faith to the fast-growing Chinese diaspora in Southern California. In May 2014, OCCCA joined the Diocese of Orange and started celebrating Mass in Chinese on the magnificent campus of Christ Cathedral (formerly Crystal Cathedral). As a faith community, OCCCA is blessed to have Mass services in Chinese. In addition to the Mass celebration, OCCCA also offers a vibrant set of ministries and services such as Adult Faith Formation classes and Bible study groups. OCCCA is open to and welcome anyone, regardless of ethnicity, who shares our Catholic faith and is seeking better understanding and appreciation of Chinese cultures. We cordially invite you and family to join us. God Bless!
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